METT Scholars Invited to Speak at National Archives

Partnering with the US Military Academy (West Point), METT Scholars is providing the moderator and three student participants from Alabama HBCU to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Minorities in STEM conference at the National Archives in Washington, DC.

This event will provide the students an opportunity to speak in panels, round tables, and individual talks as well as network with their peers and potential Federal employers. METT Scholars' moderator will lead the panel and roundtable discussions on growing and sustaining a national minority STEM workforce pipeline, which may influence key Federal decision makers in funding projects to achieve the same.

This is a highly prominent opportunity to influence the national conversation and activities towards growing our minority, women, and veterans STEM education and workforce pipeline.

METT Scholars does not currently have the budget to send anyone. We rely on you, kind donor, to help us get our moderator and HBCU STEM students to this event. You are so important to us!

Event dates: 23-24 February 2024. Please consider donating towards the cost of travel for the attendees HSV-DCA airfare, DC lodging, and meals for 4 people. Estimated we need $1,500 per person.


METT Scholars Presented to National Leaders


METT Scholars Speaks at Stillman Google Event